forging quality中文什么意思

发音:   用"forging quality"造句
  • forging:    n. 1.锻造(法)。 2.锻件。
  • quality:    n. 1.质,质量;性质,特质;品质 ...
  • quality forging:    优质锻件
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  1. Forging quality steel
  2. Design of forgings anneal furnace with natural gas has been introduced , which has improved environment as well as forgings quality and productivity
  3. We have complete set of equipment , 6 production lines from 160 tons to 1600 tons consisted of 48 forging machines and can produce forging products and heat treatment products for mechanical and automobile enterprises . the heating system we adopted is medium frequency induction oven , which can guarantee the forging quality
  4. Forging quality not permitted unless the producer last heating or working these parts tests them as required for other permitted conditions in the same specification and certifies their final tensile , yield , and elongation properties to equal or exceed the requirements for one of the other permitted conditions


  1. forging press 什么意思
  2. forging pressure 什么意思
  3. forging process 什么意思
  4. forging property 什么意思
  5. forging pump press 什么意思
  6. forging quality steel 什么意思
  7. forging ratio 什么意思
  8. forging reduction 什么意思
  9. forging requirement 什么意思
  10. forging robot 什么意思


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